AGlaze Windshield Repair Program

AGlaze windshield repair program is an extra benefit to be sold with oil changes in service departments. Just apply AGlaze Crystal Vision with our easy on wipes to activate a choice of either a 6 or 12 month windshield warranty. Customers get to see the immediate benefits as they drive away with a crystal clear windshield and when it rains, even better !! With a water repellent windshield, day and night vision is improved in wet conditions and wiper use is greatly reduced.

Preload Windshield Repair with every oil change, with the following benefits for Service Department managers.

1) Happy customers – immediate visual benefit on a treated windshield
2) Additional Revenue with each contract sold
3) Customers come back to the service department every 6 / 12 months for renewal
4) All windshield repair orders are directed back to the service department

Improved Windshield View

Rain Drives Itself Away